Hybrid OR Imaging System: PHILIPS
Hybrid Operating Room & Cardiac Catheterization Lab Imaging Systems and Equipment by Philips Healthcare. Philips FlexMove, Philips FD20, Philips Allura, Philips FlexVision, Philips Biplane. SKYTRON, Siemens, GE, Toshiba.
Hybrid Operating Room Imaging Systems by Philips Healthcare
Please utilize the below videos & web links as a resources for exploring the innovative imaging systems for Hybrid Operating Rooms offered by Philips Healthcare.
Overview of Philips Healthcare's Hybrid Operating Room Imaging Portfolio:
Philips FlexMove Imaging System - Positioning Possibilities, Video Tour:
Philips Allura Xper FD20 3D Video Tour:
Philips FlexVision Large Screen Display for Hybrid Operating Rooms:
The Philips FlexVision XL system allows the user to select information from up to 16 imaging sources and view an overview of up to 8 at once on the 56-inch, high-definition color LCD display screen. FlexVision XL is fully integrated into the Allura Xper system. Simply press the tableside control to switch views. The SuperZoom feature lets you enlarge small details of anatomy, devices and data (ECG signals and hemodynamic data) for better visibility to enhance decisions during challenging interventions. It’s like bringing images “closer” to you, which lets you remain in the most comfortable position while working. Advanced image-sharpening algorithms ensure that you lose no image sharpness in zoomed images.
Philips Hybrid Interventional Suites - Advice from Dr. Dan Simon:
Patient Right, Head End View: Philips FlexMove Xper Angiography Imaging System with Skytron Surgical Lights & Equipment Booms
Patient Right, Foot End View: Philips FlexMove Xper Angiography Imaging System with Skytron Surgical Lights & Equipment Booms
Philips DoseAware, Functionality Video Animation:
Philips Ambient Experience in Biplane Lab, 360 Degree Tour:
Link-1: http://www.healthcare.philips.com/main/products/ambient_experience/360_tour/index.wpd
J.M. Keckler Medical Co. - Hybrid Operating Room Consultants
staff@kecklermedical.com - 1.800.523.1010
Keywords: Hybrid Operating Room Skytron, Hybrid OR Philips FlexMove, Hybrid OR Philips FD20, Hybrid Operating Room Siemens, Hybrid OR Siemens Zeego, Hybrid Operating Room GE, Hybrid OR GE Discovery, Hybrid Operating Room Toshiba, Hybrid Operating Room BrainLab, Hybrid Operating Room IMRIS, Hybrid Operating Room Medtronic, Hybrid Operating Room Bi-Plane, Hybrid Cath Lab, Hybrid Cardiac Suite, Hybrid Neuro Lab, Hybrid Interventional Suite, Hybrid Electrophysiology Lab, Hybrid EP Lab, Hybrid Cardiac Cath Lab, Hybrid Imaging System, Hybrid Angiography Suite, Hybrid IR Suite, Hybrid Neurosurgical Suite, Intraoperative MR, Intraoperative CT, Hybrid iMRI, Hybrid Operating Room Toshiba Infinix, Hybrid OR Images, Hybrid Cardiac Cathertization Suite, Hybrid Cath Lab